Agency Operations: Top 10 Keys to Success

As a follow up to the Agency Operations Overview article, below are 10 keys to success to effective agency operations:

Grounded in Efficiencies

The whole point of operations is to increase efficiencies. This is the north star. Anything that doesn’t help improve productivity and efficiencies is wasteful. Efficiencies ranges from increasing the profitability of the agency/projects, improve the speed of projects, and decreasing the overall pain of getting work done by eliminating inefficiencies and thereby improving overall agency morale.

Openness to Change

Change is hard. There can be a natural resistance to it for many reasons from just an overall preference to rely on what is been done in the past, change-averse, feelings, perceived as difficult and/or just don’t want to invest the time. But to be successful, there needs to be a full team openness to try to change/improve – from leadership to the overall agency. Without this openness, you won’t reach full potential.

Create an Operations Plan

A thorough plan is needed to tackle operations. I compare it to a business plan that’s created for starting a new business. It starts with:

  • Objectives: what are realistic measurable goals you want to achieve. It could be project speed, financially, morale, etc.
  • SWOT Analysis: do an analysis of the current state of operations – what’s working and why, what’s not, etc.
  • Financials: include a financial analysis of the investment today and budget moving forward.
  • Stakeholders: identify the key team members involved. From primary (core team) to secondary (influencers).
  • Timing: identify how long you have to accomplish.
  • Recommendations: the solutions that address the current weaknesses and threats identified in the SWOT analysis.

Don’t Over Complicate

Much too often unfortunately operations gets in the way rather than helping. For some reason there is an inherent tendency to over complicate – whether it’s to justify a person’s position, a control issue, lack of understanding of the value of operations or just the enjoyment of inflicting pain (ha), but not sure. This view is counter to improving operations.

Don’t recreate the wheel

If something has worked in the past and it’s still the best way to do it, stick with it. There is no need to solve something that doesn’t need to be solved.

Be on the Pulse

Our space changes constantly from new tools and technologies launching to new features being introduced. Continuously monitor so that you can incorporate the latest into your operations plan.

Create a Rock Star Task Force

Must be led by team members that have a true passion for wanting to help and be representative of the collective agency. The best route is having a representative from the five groups (strategy, media, account, creative and production). The more diverse the better. Identify one point person that helps organize and helps ensure progress is being made. Remember, most likely this isn’t their primary job, so need to use their time as efficiently as possible.

Have a Continuous Improvement Mindset

Everything can get better. Nothing is perfect. This approach is helpful when approaching operations. Once an operations enhancement is made, monitor it. Get feedback from those that are involved in using it on a day-to-day basis. Always be looking to improve it.

Training, Training, Training

Much too often the launch and leave mantra happens in our space. This includes operations. Once an operations foundation is established, there is a huge need to educate the expanded team on how to use it. Given the workforce is always changing, a reoccurring training program is best. Make sure to ground it in the value for them when launching new changes.

Have Fun Along the Way

Operations isn’t glamorous. It doesn’t win awards. But it can drastically help improve the overall agency – from morale to profitability. Make sure to carve out time to celebrate the wins.

If you or someone you know is looking for operations support, feel free to reach out at: