The Journey Continues

Brian Phelps Consulting officially kicks off….


In 1999, Friends, Frasier and ER were big hits on NBC. Boy bands dominated the radio and Napster had just launched, completely changing the music industry. Y2K fears ran rapid, minimum wage was $5.15, gas was $0.99 and I started my first “real job” at an agency. After almost two decades at the same place and a ton of success, including C-suite before 40, numerous high-profile and global new business wins, leading and growing both auto/non-auto accounts, I decided it was time for a big change.

The next chapter:

After a long overdue break, in March Brian Phelps Consulting was created. Tapping into the experience and knowledge of the space, now working with local agencies on all things marketing, including their communications and new business pitches. I’m excited about the next chapter.