Traditional agency vs. in-house agency

Interesting to observe clients bringing their advertising development in-house. Based on my experience, agree with Digiday’s analysis below regarding the pros/cons. But I believe there are three keys to success:

1. Passion: Being able to replicate the agency’s tenacity to deliver. Agencies bend over backwards to deliver on behalf of clients. The key is matching this passion to deliver when it’s done by co-workers rather than a partner.

2. Talent: ability to recruit diverse creative talent to work in-house and breakaway from agency background.

3. Management: having excellent oversight that helps inspire, prioritize and provides new and innovative opportunities to continuously stay driven.

Per Digiday article:

For in-house:

  • Greater speed and efficiency
  • Reduced costs
  • Control

Against in-house:

  • Talent doesn’t want to work on just one brand
  • Media buying is time consuming
  • Agency have more insights