
My passion and expertise is helping brands and agencies in three big areas, providing insights and recommendations that are thorough, fast and cost-effective:

  • Marketing Strategy: help organizations build/strengthen their marketing foundation.
  • New Business: help organizations win new business and organic growth.
  • Operations: help organizations increase their efficiencies within process, resource management and technology areas.

If you need help in any of these areas, please feel free to reach out to brianphelps10@gmail.com.

About Me…

Problem Solver. Culture Builder. Team Coach. Marketing Leader. 

My hybrid background is truly unique, including executive operations, managing director, new business, and digital strategy leadership roles that have always been grounded in an account service mindset. I’ve succeeded in helping bring back an agency from a global PR crisis, strengthened a culture by developing training and D&I programs, increased agency efficiencies and energies, won over 10 new business pitches and have managed global, full-service accounts, including iconic brands worthy of a tattoo. 

My experience has taught me how to navigate and appreciate complex businesses, the value of content that tells one story uniquely across channels and platforms, the importance of B2B and retail marketing spaces, and to ensure the audience perspective is the priority regardless of channel. I’ve also learned a lot about myself through my experience. 

I thrive in environments that enable me to tap into my passion areas of solving complex challenges by attacking them head-on, building infrastructures that establish strong organizational foundations and coaching, utilizing my diverse experiences and values/principles to help others become stronger team members. I’m inspired by the unlimited innovation opportunities in today’s marketplace, a collective group of passionate people working together to accomplish a goal and being a part of the process to get there.

Humble to a fault, I believe in hard work, moving fast while being thorough and never settling. I believe in listening more and talking less. I believe in “go” rather than “show” and slowing down to speed up. I appreciate the value of relationships and feel our purpose is to deliver creative and marketing excellence that surpasses the client’s objectives rather than winning awards. And believe in the power of “we” rather than “I”. 

I enjoy coaching little leaguers, fish and chips, whiteboard sessions, skinny vanilla lattes, new experiences, and being a part of the revival of one of the greatest cities in the country, Detroit.


I have experience in every channel with heavy emphasis on digital and content communications in the following categories:

  • Automotive
  • Travel and Leisure
  • Government
  • Home & Garden
  • Fashion
  • CPG
  • B2B
  • Retail

Marketing Strategy

We believe in white board sessions. The dreaded “post-mortems” to achieve continuous improvement. In insights and recommendations over presenting just the data. Inspiring creative briefs that actually captures what needs to be accomplished. And building strong marketing foundations.

Having a differentiated, succinct strategic foundation is the key to long-term success. What differentiates you from your competitors? Who are your true competitors? How do you separate yourself from them? What are you doing really well? Where is your industry going? We are consulting to answer these questions.

Providing clients strategic consulting support by delivering insights and recommendations in these key areas:


  • Business Planning: help build/strengthen marketing foundations by developing marketing game plans (4Ps, positioning, SWOT, etc.).
  • Competitive Analysis: review the performance of competitors and identify opportunities to differentiate your brand.
  • Industry Trends Analysis: review your business landscape and identify opportunities for growth.
  • Consumer Journey Mapping: identify how your audience feels, behaves, wants to help ensure your marketing delivers on their needs.
  • Analytics: establishing/improve your brand’s analytics foundation (KPIs, dashboard creation) providing insights to improve your brand’s performance.


  • Digital Landscape Analysis: dedicated digital deep dive on your brand’s digital footprint in relationship to competitors, identifying recommendations and opportunities to differentiate your brand.
  • Social Audit: dedicated social deep dive on your brand’s social footprint in relationship to competitors, identifying recommendations and opportunities to differentiate your brand.


  • Creative Consultation: provide independent thoughts on your creative and provide recommendations on enhancing. Additionally, we now have a creative freelance hub to help develop communications, when needed.

New Business

So much to love about new business. The competitive spirit. The chance for new opportunities. It is the lifeblood of an organization. But it’s crazy hard. Having to manage the day-to-day while also being consumed with new business. Going up against the industry’s best.

Whether it’s new business, organic business or prospecting for leads, all aspects have to be meticulously thought through.

Provide clients new business consulting support by delivering insights and recommendations in these key areas:

  • Prospect Planning: based on your brand’s experience and expertise, what are business verticals and specific clients that you should be targeting.
  • New Business Game Plan Development: create a winning road map that identifies how you win each step of the new business process (resources, logistics, intel, creative thought starters, etc.).
  • Intel Gathering: uncover pitch insights that will aid in winning pitches.
  • Presentation Creation: build actual presentation for submission.


We believe in simplifying how work gets done. It helps with team morale, expedites project completion, and increases profitability.

Providing clients operations consulting support by delivering insights and recommendations in these key areas:

  • Agency Transitions: aid in making them thorough, expedited and smooth.
  • In-house Agency: aid in establishing in-house agencies at marketing organizations.
  • Operations Optimization: provide recommendations on processes (e.g., workflows), technology, and resource management.
  • Training: leadership, management, and account employee training.